The MOVAX Control System (MCS™) links the excavator with MOVAX’s pile drivers, piling hammers, piling drills and leader masts. The system controls the auxiliary hydraulics of the excavator and all the functions of MOVAX’s piling and drilling equipment. The system utilises inclination and pressure sensors to monitor, for instance, the pile driving process – thus assisting the operator to achieve better efficiency, increased productivity and higher accuracy.
The Movax Control Systems feature an ergonomic display and informative user interface. Available in three versions, from a basic control system to an automated system providing information concerning the piling process. The control grips feature switches and thumbwheels to effortlessly control all functions.
MControl+ is available for all excavator models, bringing the most advanced innovations to form an integral part of the Movax way-of-piling. It allows higher productivity and significant time and money savings by applying high accuracy and efficiency in controlling the MOVAX attachments.
Also available with Tip Control for ultimate accuracy and efficiency.
Corporate TVC
DNB Rockbreakers TVC
MB Crusher & Screening TVC
MOVAX Solutions TVC
REMU Screening TVC
Hydraulic Breaker - The Largest in the world
DNB Hydraulic Rock Breaker
Hydraulic Rock Breakerin South Korea
Hydraulic Rock Breaker
Hydraulic Rock Breaker D300IIS
Discover how it's easy to crush with MB!
Solving Productivity Issues with a Drum Cutter
Drum Cutter 1
Drum Cutter 2
CPS Bobcats
Crushing and screening in Norway
SAM 4814
Confined Spaces Challenge
Turning waste into something of value
Crusher Bucket BF90.3
Crusher Bucket
Innovative piling & foundation solutions
Amazing sheet pile driving
Movax Manipulator MPM 4000
mFLEET Management
Movax ML-10
MOVAX Piling Hammers introduction
Movax Pre Auger 50
Movax rail solutions
Asphalt Millings
Remu EE4160
REMU Garbage Bag Separator on Loader
Remu Screening Buckets
REMU XO 2090
Enhance efficiency and safety with Movax control systems for piling operations. Contact us today and experience the difference.